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Release Summary - February 2022

The following key features and improvements have been introduced in the Algonomy products during the month of February 2022.


Replacing User Attribute Values

Platform is now enabled to replace the values of custom user attributes as they interact online. For example, if a user answers a survey question and changes their marital status from single to married, the system can change the attribute ‘Marital Status’ from single to married. If there is a list of values, it can replace the list of values, such as preferred colors. The replacement is done through the API during the online user experience.


Recommend Segment Report

A new report ‘Recommend Segment Report’ has been introduced under Reports. The new report provides insights about customer visits and their segments (such as number of visits in a segment) who viewed Recommend placements, and the performance of the segments against different strategies that play in the placements. The report also displays other details such as page name, page area that has been visited along with currency type.

The report is displayed in graph and grid views. You can download graph and grid reports. In grid view, you can move table columns as per your convenience and download report in CSV, XLSX, and PDF formats. The report is generated based on the selected date range and metrics. The report can be accessed from the Reports in the left pane on the Personalization Cloud dashboard page.




Enabling/Disabling Merchandising Report

You can now enable or disable merchandising report that is displayed on the home page using the newly introduced merchandising report enable/disable option, this helps to meet clients’ requirements who wish to hide or display the report. The option is available under Dashboard Configurations in the Admin module.


Image URL for Dashboard

You can now configure the image URL if you are unable to use the image URL for the website to resolve the image issues on the dashboard. You can configure the dashboard image URL path separately from the Site Configurations RR on the Personalization Cloud dashboard page.


Catalog Enrichment

Type Ahead Search for Attribute Names

‘Type Ahead Search’ for attribute names in Catalog Enrichment has been introduced to make searching/filtering of attributes easy in the Filter panel. When there are thousands of attribute names, trying to filter a few from among them becomes time-consuming as the users need to scroll through all of them. As the user types a name, attribute names start appearing matching the typed word. The feature is available in the Catalog Enrichment Filter panel.


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