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Release Summary - March 2022

The following key features and improvements have been released in the Algonomy products during the month of March 2022.


Tracking orphan clicks

If a recommendation click is received and the matching viewGuid does not have a view event on the same day, then it is considered an Orphan Recommendation click.  

Orphan clicks in the data are received from sources such as a bot, testing activity, or a bookmarked network call. For example, if a client disables or deletes a rule or a strategy on their site, and there is a bot that sends click data, the bot will include disabled or deleted rules or strategies data too in reports.

Orphan clicks are now being tracked and can be removed for a site.


User profile to display segments' current and historical differentiator

User profile segments have been updated to display segment names along with current and historical differentiators. The historical and current segments can be displayed on a single page or in separate tabs. When separately displayed, the historical segments are displayed in the Historical Segments tab. Clients need to contact Algonomy Support to change the settings.


Configurable Strategies – Result without applying filters

A new feature ‘Excluded System and User Rules’ has been introduced in Configurable Strategies on the ‘View Results’ page which enables users to get results of strategies without applying rules (filters). This helps to know if the model is working or if there is a rule that is stopping the products from getting displayed.

When the option is selected, and the user clicks ‘Get Result’, the result is displayed with the recommendable flag in the product tile for each product – Recommendable: True or Recommendable: False.


Configurable Strategies –Brand Diversity as a filter option

Brand Diversity, similar to Category Diversity, has been introduced to diversify the brands of the products shown in recommendations which ensures visibility for all brands. 



Viewing the number of seeds and recommendations for a model

Introduced the 'View Profile' link for all the models on the Model Options page which displays the total number of seeds and recommendations for the model. Earlier, the numbers of seeds and recommendations were displayed on the list page of the model.





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