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16.08 Release Notes

What’s new in 16.08

The RichRelevance 16.08 release on June 23, 2016, includes the following client-facing updates:

  • Advanced Merchandising - Recommendations can be based on Region
  • Dashboard - UI support for using SKU attributes when created rules for Recommendation Restrictions and Boosting
  • Recommend - 1) SKU attributes can be used in rules for Recommendation Restrictions and Boosting, 2) Region pricing will successfully be used in recommendation rule processing
  • Science - Updates to King of the Hill (KOTH) processing to improve the quality of product recommendations.

Advanced Merchandising


  • Advanced Merchandising recommendations can now be based on Region


Bug fixes and improvements

  • SKU attributes (color, size) can be used in rules for Recommendation Restrictions and Boosting
  • Audit logging now includes changes to api client key values (Admin / Api Client Keys) 


SKU attributes can be used when creating Rules

  • Recommendation Restriction and Boosting rules can use SKU attribute values as part of the rule criteria.  

Region Pricing will be successfully used in rule evaluation

  • Region pricing will be successfully used in rules that contain price criteria.  If products had region pricing, rules will now evaluate the region price first then the product price.


KOTH (King of the Hill) improvements

  • Updates to KOTH (King of the Hill) processing to improve the quality of product recommendations.
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