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13.07 Release (03/28/2013)


MVT preview feature for non-portal users:

If you need to share a preview of an RichRelevance MVT test with individuals that do not have RichRelevance portal access, you will now be able to send a link for preview. To do this, you will need to add the following query string parameter to your website URL: r3_mvtTreatmentId=treatment ID. The treatment ID can be found in the test details (see screenshots below).


  • Treatments can be previewed no more than 7 days before the test's start date.
  • Treatments can be previewed no more than 14 days later than the test's expired date.

After you click on the test, you will see a column for treatment IDs.

To verify that 6% of the traffic will see recommendations, add the parameter name and the treatment ID to the end of the URL. For example, if your website URL is, then the link would look like this: ID=2909.


With this release, you will be able to utilize RichRelevance behavioral data to sort ICS recommendations. While using the accessory chooser, a behavioral strategy (such as clickCP, viewPurchaseCP, purchaseCP) can be selected to backfill recommendations.


Click "OK." The strategies will be listed after other predefined categories:


You can also use behavioral data to recommend the product with the highest affinity to the seed product.


Note: Please speak with your RichRelevance Relationship Manager to have these strategies configured for your account.

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