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Release Summary - Oct 19, 2023

The following key features and improvements, along with bug fixes, have been released in Algonomy products in the release version 23.23 during
Oct 10 - Oct 19, 2023.

Enterprise Dashboard

Added Help Documentation Site Link on Strategy Configuration Page

Added help documentation site link on the Strategy Configuration page so that it can help users to understand more about strategies. The link navigates the user to the Strategy Library page within the documentation site. The help page lists down all the useful guides and pages related to strategies and their configurations. The link has been added to the header of the page as, See the Strategy Library for descriptions of strategies.

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Jira: ENG-26963

Changed Label and Added Tooltip for ‘Based on Price Multiplier’ in Configurable Strategies

Changed the label from “Price high to low" to “Price Multiplier” and added a tooltip at the label Based On Price Multiplier under Personalization Sort Options in Configurable Strategies. The new tooltip explains what a Price Multiplier is: Sort products based on the Expected Value. The score for the selected model is multiplied by price to favor higher priced products. This helps users to understand what the Price Multiplier sorting option does.

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Jira: ENG-26932

Enabled Rec Merchandising for New Products

Optimization manager can now boost new products to ensure that shoppers see a good mix of new and existing products in their recommendations.

Till this enhancement users were used to accomplish this if an attribute (example is_new:true) already existed. The new enhancement will enable clients to boost new products without requiring them to add a specific attribute to their catalog.

After the user selects New products that have been added, another option New products added to the catalog in the last ___ days is enabled. The user can add minimum value as 1 day. Default is 31 days. When the rule is saved, the rule summary on the list page accurately describes the rule that was created.

In the What column, it displays Product: NEW (X days), where X corresponds to the days entered by the user.

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Jira: ENG-26914

Jira:  ENG-26798

Composite Outfit - Enabled ‘Add Products Manually’ for Outfits for a Given Style

Merchandisers can now add certain products, along with categories, manually at the style definition level in the Composite Outfit so that they are shown as part of the outfits all the time. As part of this enhancement, clients can:

  • Add products along with categories, through the option Add Product at each slot level. 
  • At each slot level, identify the added categories and products. 
  • Apply filters for categories. The added products are always used to generate outfits with the other products in other slots of the outfit. A message is displayed when trying to apply filter for products: Please note that the filters are specifically designed to apply to categories and not applicable for products added manually
  • Not exclude the manually added products from the outfits and get a message: This product is manually added as part of the style definition. To exclude this product from the outfits, you'll need to modify the style definition accordingly.
  • Have a maximum of 10 products per slot.

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Jira: ENG-26362

Composite Outfit UI - View Categories and Products to Select as Seed

Merchandisers can view the categories that they have selected for a Style as part of the seed selection, so that they can see all the products for the selected category and select any product as a seed. When the user selects one category, all the products in that category are displayed.  Manually Added Products category is by default selected. As part of this enhancement, clients can:

  • View categories that are selected as part of the style definition and then select a specific category for the seed on the view results page.
  • View product as a seed and view their outfits.
  • Search categories from the category selection dropdown. Manually added products are listed at the top.
  • Search for products within the selected category.

Currently the user needs to enter the seed product manually.

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Jira: ENG-26217

Other Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements and upgrades have been made in the release version 23.23 during Oct 10 - Oct 19, 2023.

Jira #



General Availability



Add a healthcheck API accessible via kong gateway in attributes and omnichannel servers

We have added a new healthcheck API that is accessible using authorization token through Kong gateway in Attributes and Omnichannel servers.




Attributes API through kong gateway was not validating the token against the API key of the request

The Attributes API via kong gateway was not validating the token against the API key of the request. This is because, once the skipAPikeytositeId conversion configuration is enabled, the API key is converted to a site id, which is not supported at the API level. It has now been improved to add support for Kong API keys for Site ID conversion.

Furthermore, data can only be uploaded for the corresponding API key with the given authorized token, otherwise, an error message will be shown while uploading data for another API key with the same authorized token.



Data Engineering:

Add product name to merch prod by placement table

An enhancement has been made to include the product_name column in the merch_prod_by_placement table to build visualizations.




The /withcatalog API should return product details for products in cart

An improvement has been made to User Profile page where the /withcatalog response will include product details for all products in the user's most recent cart view. With this enhancement on the User Profile page, the name, brand, and image of an item in the cart will be displayed, even if that product does not appear in the Item Views section.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Enable p13n.js and client.js to pass current URL as custom header (UI)

Enhanced p13n.js and client.js to include a new custom request header "x-algonomy-referrer" that sends the current URL as a custom header in the request.

This change has been implemented in p13n.js (2.0), client js (1.x) and client js (2.0), except p13n.js (1.2), as this version of p13n_generated.js is loaded through script tag injection and custom headers cannot be added to the script tag. Therefore, if a customer is facing issues due to the "referrer" request header, then they need to upgrade to p13n 2.0.




find-stats-extractor click and add2cart events to provide position value

A new statistics service, find-stats-extractor has been deployed in Find to calculate positions for click and add2cart events.




Show hidden strategies in Product Catalog

All the strategies that are enabled on the ‘Strategy Configuration’ page are now visible in the Product Catalog. Thus, Optimization manager can see these enabled strategies to preview the recommendations.




Handing overrides in SFI to enrichment service attributes for catalog tagger collection

Ingest related searches are now enabled to enrichment service attributes for catalog tagger collection. Earlier it was unable to ingest data to enrichment service calculation with overrides in SFI.




Composite Outfit - Use Top Sellers for Categories

In the scoring for inclusion into outfits, category top sellers for all categories in the definition of the parts of the outfits will be used. Thus, products will be scored with the top seller score based upon their category, using the category top sellers’ model.





Provide language service resource for tuned config sets

Language service resource has been provided for tuned config sets.




Tracking MVT report as part of p13 response

Personalization analyst can identify which test or treatment the user is eligible for, and which placement is participating into perform the respective test used for reporting.


Bug and Support Fixes

The following issues have been fixed in the release version 23.23 during Oct 10 - Oct 19, 2023.




General Availability



Enterprise Dashboard:

Model Options - Keyboard navigation is not supported on custom segment and user segment dropdown for InSegment model

We have resolved an issue related to the Model Options interface. Previously, keyboard navigation was not supported for the custom segment and user segment dropdowns within the InSegment model's "Edit Options" modal dialog.

The issue has been fixed now. Keyboard navigation is fully functional for both custom and user segment dropdowns in the InSegment model's edit modal dialog.




Enterprise Dashboard:

(Data engineering) Landing page and Order reports mismatched between QA and Production environment for a client

In the Merchandising Report for a client site, data was not matching between QA and Production environment because of date range issue.

 The following reports were impacted.

On landing page:

  • PageTypePerformance
  • Sales

 In Merchandising, Order report too has date range issue, in which it was passing IST time zone instead of client’s time. The issue has been resolved.




Enterprise Dashboard:

Click event was not getting triggered for a client’s Guided Selling

In Dynamic Experiences, clicks are triggered when the "click-trigger" class is added to an html element. However, this was not happening for a client’s Guided Selling experiences.

 We have the "click-trigger" class on the 'Get Started' div element. But when you click on that element, the trackExperienceEvent request with the eventType=click was not firing.

 This request should have been fired so that clicks are counted properly in the Dynamic Experiences reporting. The issue has been resolved now.



Enterprise Dashboard, Find:

Search Drive UI did not allow to set negative boosts

A client reported an issue where the Search Test Drive UI did not allow setting a negative boost because the boost value exceeded the recommended range of -10 to 10. It was observed that the boost values can be negative and even higher than 10. This issue has now been resolved by increasing the minimum and maximum range value.




Use current URL from custom header in p13n_generated for targeting requests

Optimization manager can use the current URL to define contexts so that they can fire campaigns and merchandise to specific pages irrespective of what browser they are using. This enables cross-site tracking. This also enables the client to send us the current URL as a custom header in the request, which previously, we used to get from the headers in the instrumentation, but some browsers were blocking this functionality by default.





Composite Outfit - duplicate products are showing up in the outfits

Composite Outfit was generating outfits that contained duplicate products in the outfit. The issue has been resolved.






Composite Outfit -  The job for composite outfit is not getting published

We've addressed a bug in the Composite Outfit feature where the job for creating composite outfits wasn't getting published due to a syntax error.





NCA stalls sometime with common status failing to connect kafka

We've addressed an issue that occasionally led to NCA stalls due to Kafka connectivity problems or consumer idle timeouts. In response, we've implemented automatic NCA restarts in these situations.


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