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Release Summary - May 2022

The following key features and improvements have been released in the Algonomy products during the month of May 2022.

Enterprise Dashboard

Added real-time models to Configurable Strategies

Internal users will now be able to place a real-time top-trends report for purchases or views on the Dashboard to capitalize on product trends quickly such as top sellers or views in the last hour. They can also download the report as an image or in CSV format.




Multi dimension delimiter changed in downloaded MVT daily report CSV file

Earlier, the multi-dimension daily report file downloaded in CSV format has @::@ as a delimiter, the delimiter has been now changed to a comma.



Enabled multi-dimension filtering with single value selection for every dimension in MVT Report

MVT now allows multiple dimension filtering in reports that help to get more insights such as how visitors would perform against different variations to better serve the right experience.




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