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15.10 Release Notes (July 14 2015)


Customer-facing Site Configurations ​

Some site configurations are now editable by customers. Users with the role "Manage Placements and Layouts" will now be able to modify these site configurations.

Bug fixes
  • Multiple currency bugs fixed
  • Attributable Revenue graph no longer shows one more day than the time selected. 


Bug Fixes

  • Content start and end dates entered in to system now accurately reflected in UI, no longer one day off between actual start and end dates and what is displayed in the UI
  • Engage parameters will now be URL encoded, previously they were not which required additional work by retailer for encoding
  • Attributes in content no longer truncate text when special characters such as single quotes or ampersands are used


Offline Transactions now available for BYOS
  • For clients using the Build your own Strategy service who have also uploaded their offline transactions, the offline transactions are now available for use in custom strategy development.
UPS Batch Uploaded - Segments now available for segment-based strategies Edit section
  • For clients who are uploading customer segments into UPS (see Build item below), these segments are now available for use in segment-based strategies.


De-boosting of products previously purchased

Sort now allows merchants to optionally de-boost products previously purchased by the user.  De-boosting effectively pushes the products that the user purchased in the past to the bottom of the list.  Even if a product is a top-seller or highly viewed, having this setting enabled will push that product to the bottom for that specific user.  This setting is a global setting and will affect all categories where Sort is integrated.  The de-boosting setting is simply an on/off toggle. 

You can enable this setting in the “Search & Browser Configuration” screen:


UPS Batch Upload
  • UPS now supports batch upload of attributes for users like segments and preferences
  • When querying the UPS, the returned data will have a batch attributes section which is where these attributes are stored. 
  • Documentation can be found on our developer site here.
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