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Important: This API is currently limited to specific customers. Please contact your Algonomy team if you want to use this API.

This API provides a mechanism to make a single request for multiple placements, while passing different contexts for each placement. You can also force a specific strategy to play or apply attribute, category, or price filters to the resulting recommendations.

This allows you to have multiple placements on a single page, where each placement is seeded by a different category. The API accepts all the same parameters as the recsForPlacements API, and the contextual information is sent in the body of the Post request.

The  difference between recsForPlacements and recsForPlacementsContext API:



GET api call POST api call
Accepts query parameters documented

Accepts query parameters document in recsForPlacements + a POST body (placement context)


Parameter Required or Optional Description
attributeConfigs Optional

A list of different attribute name and value which the recommended products should satisfy.

Example:  [{"attributeName": "color", "attributeValues": ["blue", "red"]}]

attributeInfo Optional

Holds the information about the different attributes and how they should be applied.

categorySeed Optional The seed category to be used by the placement.
enablePartialAttributeMatching Optional

True/false. The default is false; provides only full matching results in the response.

When set to true, allows the response to include products that partially match attribute filters applied in the request. Products are ranked based on the count of matched attributes. If filtering on multiple attributes, the API prioritizes products matching all filters first. If the placement is not filled with exact matches, partially matching products are returned.

Example: enablePartialAttributeMatching = true

Note: Enable the "enable partial attribute matching" option in the Site Configuration

enableStrategyDuplication Optional

Default value is false. When set true, allows a strategy to be played multiple times on a particular page for the different placements.

Example: enableStrategyDuplication = true

filterAtr Optional Passes attribute and value, list is or'd
filterConfig Optional

Filters to be applied to the items in the response for the given placement.

  • minPriceFilter: region price, sale price or if no sale price then list price

  • maxPriceFilter: region price, sale price or if no sale price then list price

  • categoryFilter: products that have one or more categories

Example: {minPriceFilter: null, maxPriceFilter: 100}

includeProductsMatchingFilters Optional

True or False; Default value is true.

Example: includeProductsMatchingFilters = true

  • Applied for attributeConfigs, categoryFilter, minPriceFilter, maxPriceFilter

  • true means it is an inclusive filter i.e. only recommend products that match the filter. Example: Only return products that belong to category 487553.

  • false means do not recommend products that match the filter. Example: Do not return products that belong to category 487553.

placementConfig Optional Object which can hold different (overriding) configurations for this placement. (Currently, only supports 'strategyConfig')
placementContextInfo Required A list which holds information for each placement such as placement name, strategies to be run for that placement, category seed, different filters etc.
placementName Required

Name of the placement as specified in the request.

Example: category_page

productIds Optional

List of productIds which is utilized by the product seeded strategies such as ClickCP.

Example: ["12345", "67890"]

productsMatchAllAttributes Optional

Default value is true. When set to true, keeps only those products which have all the attributes as mentioned in the attributeConfigs. If not set, keeps only those products which have at least one attribute of attributeConfigs.

Example: productsMatchAllAttributes = true

reorder Optional Default value is false. If the client specifies reorder to be true, it means the client wants our machine learning algorithms (XO) to run and reorder the strategies list provided. If the default value for the 'recsForPlacementContext' API is false, the client must provide strategies in the proper order. 
strategyConfig Optional

Object which consists of overriding strategy configurations.

Example: {"strategies": ["BestSellers", "TopRated"]}

strategies Optional

A list of strategies which will be forced run. These strategies will run first before any Experience Optimizer (XO) selected strategy or strategy rules preferred strategies. The client can pass a backfilled strategy in the list. If none of the strategies specified in the list returns or satisfies recommendations after filtering, the call will fallback to strategies preferred in strategy rules targeting the given placement and then XO selected strategies from the strategies enabled for the given page type.

Fall back order:

  1. Request strategies defined (strategies listed within the API call)
  2. Strategies preferred within strategy rules targeting the given placement
  3. Experience Optimizer selected strategies based on those that are enabled for the page type in question

Example: ["CategoryTopSellers", "CategoryTopProducts"]

IMPORTANT: For pages that have a seed, you need to include the seed attribute in the placementConfig object. For example,

  • If you are on an Item or Cart page, you need to send the productIds attribute;
  • If you send a request to a Category page, you need to send the categorySeed attribute;


Exception Condition
ArgumentNullException Message is null.


Example 1

Example Request:


    "placementContextInfo" : [
        "placementName" :"item_page.recsmiddle",
        "placementConfig" : {
            "strategyConfig": {
                "strategies" : ["ViewedPurchased","ClickEV", "CategoryTopSellers"],
                "reorder" : false
            "categorySeed" : "electronics",
            "filterConfig" : {
                "includeProductsMatchingFilters" : false,
                "categoryFilters" : ["video"],
                "minPriceFilter": null,
                "maxPriceFilter" : 5000,
                "attributeInfo" : {
                    "productsMatchAllAttributes" : false,
                    "attributeConfigs" : [
                            "attributeName" : "prime",
                            "attributeValues" : ["false"]
                            "attributeName" : "Clearance",
                            "attributeValues" : ["N"]
            "productIds" : ["15847591"]
    "enableStrategyDuplication" : false

In the above example, the client can send multiple placement objects.

Note: Placement name passed in the request must be same as placementName mentioned in the post body.

Here, the request is sent for 2 placements : 

  • item_page.recsmiddle
  • item_page.rr1. 

But in the post body, only 'recsmiddle' is defined. So, for 'recsmiddle' placement, the strategies mentioned will be forced to run, but for 'item_page.rr1', the default pipeline will work (no force strategy, since no overriding context was passed).

Example Response

  "rcs": "eF5j4cotK8lM4TMzsNA11DVkKU32MEkyBAJjM11jYzMzXRNTozRdA0sgYZxiammQaGJmZmaaDABuTQ0O",
  "placements": [
      "htmlElementId": "home_page_0",
      "placementType": "home_page",
      "strategyMessage": "Shop Top Sellers",
      "html": "",
      "placement": "home_page.rr1",
      "recommendedProducts": [
          "clickURL": "",
          "regionPriceDescription": "",
          "salePriceRangeCents": [1, 1],
          "rating": 3.884,
          "numReviews": 0,
          "priceRangeCents": [1, 1],
          "categoryIds": ["Electronics", "Electronics.Computers", "Electronics.Computers.Tablet PCs"],
          "clickTrackingURL": "",
          "salePriceCents": 1,
          "regionalProductSku": "22127002",
          "imageURL": "",
          "name": "\"Nextbook 7\\\" Tablet with 8GB Memory with Google Mobile Services\"",
          "genre": "default",
          "isRecommendable": true,
          "priceCents": 6900,
          "attributes": {
            "MktplcInd": ["W"],
            "Clearance": ["N"],
            "97CentShipping": ["N"],
            "Rollback": ["N"],
            "Online": ["Y"],
            "ListPrice": ["79"],
            "AddToCart": ["Y"],
            "IsReducedPrice": ["N"],
            "IsSubmap": ["N"],
            "S2S": ["Y"]
          "id": "22127002",
          "categories": [
              "hasChildren": false,
              "name": "Electronics",
              "childCategories": [],
              "ancestorCategories": [],
              "id": "Electronics",
              "isActive": false
              "hasChildren": false,
              "name": "Computers",
              "childCategories": [],
              "ancestorCategories": [],
              "id": "Electronics.Computers",
              "isActive": false
              "hasChildren": false,
              "name": "Tablet PCs",
              "childCategories": [],
              "ancestorCategories": [],
              "id": "Electronics.Computers.Tablet PCs",
              "isActive": false
          "productURL": "",
          "brand": "Nextbook"
  "viewGuid": "4b121136-3366-452f-092f-3d590a46665c",
  "status": "ok"

Example 2

Example Request:



    "placementName" :"category_page.recsbottom",
    "placementConfig" : {
        "strategyConfig": {
            "strategies" : [ "CategoryTopProducts","CategoryTopSellers"]
        "categorySeed" : "889",
        "filterConfig" : {
            "includeProductsMatchingFilters" : true,
            "categoryFilters" : ["889-506438", "508606-516708-508608"],
            "minPriceFilter": null,
            "maxPriceFilter" : 2000,
            "attributeConfigs" : [
                        "attributeName" : "gender",
                        "attributeValues" : ["female"]
                        "attributeName" : "is_savings_constant",
                        "attributeValues" : ["true"]

Example 3 

In the response, the 'enablePartialAttributeMatching' is set to true, indicating that partial attribute matching is enabled. This allows the API to return products that partially match the attribute filters specified in the request body.

Example Request:

Example Payload:

  "placementContextInfo": [
      "placementName": "category_page.guided_selling",
      "placementConfig": {
        "strategyConfig": {
          "strategies": ["Category - Top Selling"],
          "reorder": false
        "categorySeed": "mens-fleece-sweaters",
        "filterConfig": {
          "includeProductsMatchingFilters": true,
          "enablePartialAttributeMatching": true,
          "categoryFilters": [],
          "minPriceFilter": null,
          "maxPriceFilter": null,
          "attributeInfo": {
            "productsMatchAllAttributes": true,
            "attributeConfigs": [
                "attributeName": "gender",
                "attributeValues": ["Men's"]
                "attributeName": "size",
                "attributeValues": ["S","M"]
                "attributeName": "color-family",
                "attributeValues": ["black"]
                "attributeName": "best-use",
                "attributeValues": ["Multisport", "Fitness"]
        "productIds": []
  "enableStrategyDuplication": false


Advanced Merchandising rules always run first before any strategy (customer defined or out-of-the box strategy) in the Algonomy system. If Advanced Merchandising rules are targeting a placement and the placement is specified in the request, and the rules fulfill the placement requirements, then Advanced merchandising recommendations will be returned, ignoring this context passed. The client needs to make sure no Advanced Merchandising rules are targeting the same placement. 

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