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Social Proof Experience Output API Overview

Social Proof Experience Output API Overview

Social Proof API provides social proof messaging final output as a response based on the UI setup (for example, "10 people purchased today"). This makes it easy for clients on the server side or in apps to display social proof messages on their websites or apps. The API respects all configurations defined in the UI for determining which social proof messages to display.

Root Endpoint

The root endpoint for any of the APIs that you will use is ideally the URL of your organization and looks as below.



The path for the APIs is as follows:



The location APIs send requests to and where the resources reside is called an endpoint or param of an API. An API endpoint consists of root-endpoint, path, and query parameter-value or query parameter-value pairs. The following is a generic example of an endpoint:

Generic Example

GET /rrserver/api/engage/spMessages?apiClientKey={apiClientKey}&apiKey={apiKey}&sessionId={sessionId}&placements=list_page&p={pId1|pId2}&userId={userId}&rcs={remoteCookieStoreValue}
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