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Streaming Catalog API

Streaming Catalog is a real-time API to be able to add product, content, category and region items to the Catalog. The first consumer of the Streaming Catalog is Find. 

Find will index all incoming updates in real-time. Both Recommend and Discover will pick up all updates from a database when their respective jobs are run. Thus information for all three products is only sent through the API once. 

Please start with the Streaming Catalog Overview which explains the steps in using the streaming catalog.  

Article type: Topic
  • Streaming Catalog OverviewSummary of steps on how to use the new streaming catalog.
  • Access and AuthenticationAccess and Authentication Steps
  • Streaming Property ServiceThe streaming-property service is leveraged to define property definitions  for a specific item type. A group of property definitions for one item type is called a property definition collection.    Published property definition collections are required to be associated to a snapshot.
  • Streaming Snapshot ServiceCreating product and place snapshots is the next step after creating the property definition collections. A snapshot is an instance of a catalog and is required before ingesting items (products, categories, regions).
  • Streaming Ingest ServiceThe streaming ingest service is responsible for streaming new, updated and deleted items which  are sent to the streaming catalog's engine to be consumed by Rich Relevance applications.
  • Streaming Status ServiceThe streaming-status service provides the capability  to check a transaction’s status by day, trackingId, or service and optionally restrict to specific status levels. Also through this service, information on each invalid item can be retrieved.
  • Streaming ViewThe streaming-view service provides a means to view items  (products, categories and regions) which have successfully been processed and are stored in the Streaming View Store.
  • Scoped ActionScoped Actions provides a means to sync up product information within a snapshot to a new ingestion of items, or sync up the legacy catalog (portal) with a specific snapshot in the view store.  In both cases "touched" products are tracked and "untouched" will be deleted.




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