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Integration: SKU Tag Integration

If your site uses SKU-level data, you can log the exact SKU that the shopper interacts with by including SKU IDs when they add items to registries, view their carts, or complete purchases. Each of the following page types can accept this SKU information.

JavaScript Integration

Instrumentation on each page type uses the same parameter, SKU ID. When specifying a PRODUCT ID, the SKU ID should be appended with a tilde ('~') separator.

Name Type Required? Definition
SKU Alphanumeric Yes This is the specific SKU that the customer is purchasing or adding ot the cart or registry. This can be left empty if there is no SKU for the item.

Add to Registry Pages

Add to registry page instrumentation needs to include the SKU ID for each item added to the registry.


Add to Cart Pages

Add to cart page instrumentation needs to include the SKU ID for each item added to the cart.


Cart Pages

Cart page instrumentation needs to include the SKU ID for each item in the cart.

R3_CART.addItemId('PRODUCT_ID', 'SKU');

Purchase Complete Pages

Purchase complete instrumentation needs to include the SKU ID for each item purchased:


This logs SKU IDs along with product IDs.


SKU IDs can be passed to API calls as well. When specifying a PRODUCT ID, the SKU ID should be appended with a tilde ('~') separator.

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