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13.19 Release (09/17/2013)


People Like Me

  • An API call can be made to use "People Like Me" strategies for related users/recommendations.

Benefit: Enhanced the userInfo API to return user recommendations.

Availability: Please speak with your RichRelevance contact.

Implementation: Provide your CSE with user attributes for the assessing shopper similarities. These are the attributes that go into the model. Other attributes in the API call will have no effect. You will need to send profile information (userAttribute to the addContext call) in instrumentation.

Documentation: Updates to userInfo API 

API Update: Support for Price Ranges in the myRecs, recsForPlacement, and recsUsingStrategy

When an API call is made, regular and sale price ranges for each product will be returned automatically in the JSON object.

Example response (red text):

{ "strategyResults": [ 
	{ "message": "Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed", 
	  "recommendedProducts": [ 
	  	{ "attributes": { "AverageStarRating": ["3.45"], "CommonName": ["Cabernet Sauvignon"], ... , "salePriceCents": 6499, "priceRangeCents": [12499, 12499], "salePriceRangeCents": [7999, 7999] }, 
	  	{ "attributes": { "AverageStarRating": ["5.00"], "CommonName": ["Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon"], ..., "salePriceCents": 6999, "priceRangeCents": [12499, 12499], "salePriceRangeCents": [7999, 7999] }, 
	  "requestId": "", 
	  "seedProduct": { "attributes": { "AverageStarRating": ["5.00"], "CommonName": ["Cabernet Sauvignon"], ...] }, 
	  	"categories": [ { "id": "11", "name": "$40 - $80" }, { "id": "22", "name": "$40 - $80" }, ...} ], 
	  	"categoryIds": [ "11", "22", ...], 
	  "genre": "Food & Grocery", 
	  "id": "122133", 
	  "imageURL": "", 
	  "name": "Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon 2009", 
	  "numReviews": 1, 
	  "priceCents": 5300, 
	  "priceRangeCents": [12499, 12499]
	  "salePriceRangeCents": [7999, 7999]
	  "rating": 5, 
	  "regionPriceDescription": "<div class=\"productPrice\"><div>Price: <span class=\"regularPrice\">$53.00<\/span> <span class=\"salesPrice\">$49.99<\/span><\/div><div class=\"savings\">Save $3.01 (6%)<\/div><\/div>", "salePriceCents": 4999 }, 
	  "strategyName": "ProductViewedViewed" }, 

Documentation: Example responses updated in recsForPlacement and recsUsingStrategy


Dynamic Creation of ICS Interproduct Source

Benefit: Legacy ICS clients will now be able to upload new relation files and have them auto-imported so that these files can be used as custom product pairings in rules without dependency on a RichRelevance CSE or technical support. A relations file is product to product mapping used for manual merchandising.

Availability: All legacy ICS clients

Implementation: Clients will need to upload relation files via FTP (files must contain correct file name, formatting, and product IDs). The loader will then auto create the new product source and load the file.


  • Deprecated old XCP Strategies (XcpStrategyUnGenred, XcpStrategyGenred, NiXcpGenre, WalrusXcpCombo)
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