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13.13 Release (06/24/2013)


Processing Google Feeds

We can now translate Google feeds into a format that our system understands.

Benefit: This gives merchants a way to quickly integrate with RichRelevance if they have existing Google feed formats.

Implementation: Please speak with your RichRelevance contact for processing this type of feed.

Availability: Generally available. Currently, only delimited files (vs. XML) are supported.


Dashboard Login Management

When a user's ICS dashboard account is created, users will receive an email with log-in information and password (note: you may need to check your junk email). Users can now reset or retrieve their password without any involvement from the RichRelevance team.

Users can change their password in the "Profile" link.


Forgot Password

For a forgotten password, the user can click "Forgot Password," and the system will generate an email containing the new password.


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