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13.09 Release (04/29/2013)


Strategies update:

  1. Improved CP Models: CP strategies have been improved so that more products are available to be recommended.

Benefit: This reduces the likelihood of merchandising rules crippling our recommendations, allowing for merchandisers to apply rules that they believe are important.

  1. CategorySiloedPurchaseCP: Category Silo'd View, ViewPurchase, and PurchaseCP strategies have been modified to be smarter about picking the correct category to silo the recommended products by.

Benefit: This new feature allows these strategies to be eligible on more item page views, which should improve the overall performance of item pages.

  1. CategoryDiversePurchaseCP: New variants of PurchaseCP strategies have been developed to recommend one product from each accessory category automatically.

Benefit: This strategy will automatically pair a single product with the most likely purchased products belonging to unique categories. This improves the user experience in that RichRelevance is automatically recommending the most relevant accessories to go with the product.

Note: To accomplish items #2 and #3, please speak with your Client Services Engineer.


RichPromo now offers additional custom layouts to meet your business objectives. When creating a campaign creative, simply click "Add" under Creative Files and select Custom Layout. You will see three new options:

Custom layouts.png


You can select a double or triple paned layout that includes text and links on multiple panes, or you can choose a layout that includes an image on the right or left of the text and links. Please speak with your Client Services Engineer to have these new layouts configured for your account.

Benefit: This feature grants greater flexibility to build engaging creatives.

You can find more information about Creatives in the RichPromo User Guide.

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