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Release Summary - Aug 08, 2024 (24.15)

The following key features and improvements, along with bug fixes, have been released in Algonomy CXP products in the release version 24.15 during Jul 26, 2024 - Aug 08, 2024.

Enterprise Dashboard

Enhanced Product Comparison Rules by Category

We have introduced enhanced control for eCommerce product managers over the attributes used for Product Comparisons, allowing for more compelling comparisons tailored to shopper preferences. This update includes a new list page that displays all existing rules with columns for Name, Seed Categories, Number of Attributes, Enabled Status (Production and Integration), and Actions. A Global Configuration button opens a side drawer, enabling users to set placement, default number of attributes, and blacklist attributes with an autosuggest feature. If Global Configuration settings are incomplete, the Add Rule button is disabled with a prompt to complete the configuration.

Product managers can now create and edit comparison rules specific to categories. When creating a new rule, users can input the rule name, which updates the header, and navigate back to the rule list with a back button. There are toggles for enabling the rule in Production and Integration. The Context settings allow category selection for rule application, showing the default placement in a read-only format with a tooltip indicating that placement can be set in the Global Configuration.

In the Attributes part of the rule, an input field allows setting the number of attributes, defaulting to the global setting but editable as needed. Users can add specific attributes to a list, reorder them via drag and drop, and remove them as necessary. Cancel and Save buttons are provided for managing changes efficiently.

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Jira: ENG-28000, ENG-28158

User Affinity Scoring Extended to Engage Contents

We have extended User Affinity scoring to Engage contents, enhancing the relevance of content shown to shoppers based on their browsing and purchase history. This new feature allows digital optimization managers to sort Engage campaign contents by user affinity, ensuring that the most relevant content is prioritized.

In Engage campaigns, there is now an option to sort contents by user affinity. By default, contents will be sorted using Experience Optimizer. When affinity sorting is selected, the contents are reordered according to their affinity scores, calculated based on a selected User Affinity Configuration. Contents with higher scores are prioritized, while those without Enhanced Tags will have a score of 0 and will not be used if all contents have a score of 0.

Additionally, in the Content section of Engage Campaigns, when the "Select content by Tags" option is chosen, users can now enable a checkbox to sort selected content by User Affinity. A dropdown menu allows the selection of a specific User Affinity Configuration, with the default configuration selected by default. This option has been moved to the first position, making it the default choice for content selection. Campaigns using the Affinity option are also indicated in the Content column on the Campaign list page.

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Jira: ENG-27662, ENG-28471

Social Proof Badging: Regional Attribute Support in API Calls

We have implemented a new feature for Social Proof Badging that supports localized attributes for different regions. This enhancement ensures that the region parameter, defined as part of R3_COMMON, is correctly passed to the API call, allowing merchandisers to define and display badges based on localized attributes.

When the region is specified in the R3_COMMON parameters, the system will now consider that region and display the corresponding badging for that region's attributes. Specifically, the region parameter will be included in the GetProducts API call, ensuring that the localized attributes are accurately reflected.

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Jira: ENG-28631

Enterprise Dashboard, Find

New Boost Rule Management in Portal

We have introduced a new feature in the portal that allows users to add, manage, and publish boost rules. Users can now easily create boost rules through an intuitive UI that leverages the Boost & Bury CRUD APIs.

To create a boost rule, users must provide a rule name and specify a context, which can be a wildcard ('*') or a specific search term. Boost items, including Brand, Attribute, or Product, can be added with mandatory boost values ranging from 0.0 to 100.0. Multiple brands will have an OR relationship, and attributes can be selected from a dropdown menu populated from the user's catalog.

Users can manage their boost rules with options to delete individual conditions, cancel, save locally without publishing, or publish the rule. This enhancement does not currently support page type.

Jira: ENG-27777


Ensemble AI - NLP Model for Filtering and Scoring Outfits

We have introduced an enhancement in Ensemble AI that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to filter and score outfits for cross-selling. This feature allows merchandisers to present compelling cross-sell product combinations, including new products with limited machine learning data.

With this enhancement, the NLP cross-sell model can be used to filter and score outfits if enabled for a client. Products included in the NLP cross-sell model will now be part of Ensemble AI, with scoring based on their relevance. The NLP model's score is positioned between the "bought together" and "viewed together" scores, ensuring optimal product recommendations for increased average order value (AOV).

Jira: ENG-28014

Other Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements and upgrades have been made in the release version 24.15 during Jul 26, 2024 - Aug 08, 2024.

Jira #



General Availability


Data Engineering:

Brand Merchandising Reports: Addition of Overall Items Metric

The Find Report now differentiates between actual search queries and all find requests. This enhancement helps Digital Optimization Managers better understand search performance by offering clearer insights into user behavior and search efficiency. Find is often used creatively on various listing pages, which might not always represent real searches. To address this, we’ve introduced an option to include or exclude star queries (&query=*) in the metrics. This ensures that metrics reflect actual search terms, providing more accurate performance data.

Users can view metrics with all search queries, including star queries, or exclude star queries to focus only on relevant search strings. The rollup is complete. A UI option will be added to the report, making it accessible to customers.



Data Engineering:

Brand Merchandising Reports: Addition of Overall Items Metric

We have enhanced the Brand Merchandising Reports to include the "Overall Items" metric, providing a more comprehensive view of product performance. This new metric allows merchandisers to see the total number of items sold alongside other key metrics, offering a clearer understanding of product sales.

Previously available in the Product Merchandising Report, this important metric was missing from other merchandising reports. With this update, merchandisers can now access the "Overall Items" metric within the Brand Merchandising Reports rollup, ensuring consistent and complete data analysis across all merchandising reports.

The rollup is complete. A UI option will be added to the report, making it accessible to customers.



Feed Processing, UPS:

Improved Visibility for Offline Feed Jobs

We have enhanced the visibility of UPS and Catalog feed processes by adding summary and detailed status endpoints. These updates ensure that the status of offline feed jobs is transparent and accessible, helping to reduce customer frustration.

The summary provides key information such as job type, file name, date/time received, date/time processed, and status. Detailed information includes file name, tracking ID, processing start and finish times, number of rows updated, and failure reasons if any.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Update to Dynamic Content Label in Engage Campaigns

The label for Dynamic Content in Engage campaigns has been updated for clarity. Previously, the label incorrectly indicated that interactions were mapped based on the category name. This has been corrected to specify that the mapping is based on the category ID.




Enhanced Validation for Configurable Strategy Creation

The validation process for creating new configurable strategies has been improved. Previously, when attempting to save a new strategy that closely matched an existing one, users would encounter an error indicating that the strategy already existed, even if it had minor differences. This issue particularly affected strategies involving category recommendations with different category tier settings.

With the updated validation, the system now includes checks for additional options, such as the enabled status for category recommendations and the selected category tier level. This allows digital merchandisers to create multiple strategies using the same recommendation model but with distinct settings for different category tiers.



Enterprise Dashboard:

User Affinity Configuration Page Enhancement

The User Affinity configuration page has been updated to hide new event scores, including Cart, Old View, New View, Old Purchase, and New Purchase. This change simplifies the interface and focuses on relevant data.





Enhanced SFI Handling for Business Rules

We have introduced SFI handling for the new item type, Businessrule. This enhancement includes adding the business rule schema to Consul and indexing the business rule document on Solr.

This update allows for the efficient building of the businessrule index through the Azkaban job, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.



Enterprise Dashboard, Find:

Boost & Bury List Page in Portal

We have introduced a new Boost & Bury list page in the portal, allowing users to manage boost rules more effectively. This page provides a comprehensive list of boost rules, showing what is being boosted—whether it’s products, brands, categories, or attributes—along with relevant search terms.

Users can create, update, save, publish, and delete boost rules directly from this list page. The layout follows a familiar pattern consistent with other list pages in the portal, ensuring ease of use. The existing functionality for search, edit, and publish has been extended to accommodate the new boosting options, making it easier to manage and apply boost rules across different search terms.



Boost & Bury Rule Publishing from Portal

We've enhanced the Boost & Bury feature by enabling the triggering of the boost & bury streaming job directly from the portal when the publish button is clicked.

This implementation allows users to publish rules through the new Boost & Bury UI on the dashboard, ensuring the rules are indexed correctly in Solr.



Boost & Bury Rule Handling in Search Service

Boost & Bury rule handling has been enhanced in the search service. To activate business rules in queries, users can now add the parameter searchConfig.businessRule={"enable":true} in the rr server request.



Streaming Catalog:

Streaming Catalog to Handle New Snapshot Types

We've enhanced the Streaming Catalog to create snapshots for boost, link, merchandising rules, and autosuggestions. This update ensures comprehensive snapshot capabilities for better data management.




Find Service Enhancement: Updated Docker Base Repository

We have updated the Find service to use a new Docker base repository, specifically base_java11_hadoop. This enhancement ensures compatibility with the latest Java 11 and Hadoop environments, improving overall service stability and performance.




Boost & Bury Enhancement: Restriction on Negative Boost Values

We have added a backend restriction to prevent the use of negative boost values in Boost & Bury rules. Previously, it was possible to enter unsupported negative values, but this enhancement ensures only valid boost values are accepted, improving rule accuracy and consistency.



Rover Job for Boost and Bury

We have introduced a new Rover job to handle Boost and Bury rules more efficiently. This job fetches business rules data from the Play service using PlayDataFetcher and processes it to create JSONL files. It ensures that the query tag is enabled for the specific siteId and uses the existing snapshot for data ingestion.

The Boost and Bury rules are then directed to the query tag collection. This enhancement streamlines the process by fetching rules from the Play service and pushing them to streaming ingest as query tag items.



New Streaming Item Type: Business Rule

We have added support for a new streaming item type: business rule. This enhancement allows for the creation of product snapshots using the business rule property.




Decimal Values for Boost in Business Rules

The Find Config Service has been enhanced to accept decimal values in boost values for business rule requests. This allows for more precise adjustments and fine-tuning of business rules.



Business Rule API Update

The Play service business rule API has been updated to make the keyword optional when the condition is sitewide. This enhancement simplifies the configuration process for sitewide conditions, making it more flexible and user-friendly.



Streaming – Recommend:

Correct Product Type in Streaming Recommend Runtime Catalog

The streaming recommend runtime catalog has been enhanced to ensure that for sites with streaming recommend enabled, the click events are correctly registered as "Product" instead of "Content".



Streaming Catalog:

Common Status Updated to Use SASI Index

The Common Status feature has been updated to utilize SASI indexes instead of regular indexes. This change helps optimize space usage and improves overall performance.



Streaming Catalog:

Support for Reference Content Event Processing in NCA

We have updated the NCA to accommodate the processing of reference content events. This includes adding support for the snapshot type "reference content" in the PgSnapshotHandlerFactory. Additionally, required fields such as image URL and link URL have been included in the catalog repository to ensure comprehensive data handling.



Streaming Catalog:

Allow Purging of Current Live Dataset

We have introduced the ability to purge the current live dataset, allowing users to refresh the dataset without going through the full process of starting, ingesting, finishing, and publishing. This feature is particularly useful for rolling back to an older archived dataset or replacing existing enrichment data with a new set. Once the purge is completed, new enrichment data can be ingested directly into the live dataset, streamlining the process and improving efficiency.


Bug and Support Fixes

The following issues have been fixed in the release version 24.15 during Jul 26, 2024 - Aug 08, 2024.




General Availability



Strategy Hint Functionality Restored

We have resolved the issue where the strategy "MoversAndShakersSiteWideInRegion" was not returning the region name when using $STRATEGY_HINT$. Now, the Region ID name is correctly displayed in the strategy message based on the strategy hint.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Information Tooltip Added for Composite Outfit User Affinity Config Name

We have fixed the issue where the information tooltip was missing for "Composite Outfit User Affinity Config Name" in site configurations. The tooltip now correctly displays the text: "Specify the user affinity configuration that will be used by Ensemble AI."



Enterprise Dashboard:

Fix for Price Filter Issues in Ensemble AI

We have resolved the issue where changing price filters in Ensemble AI did not save correctly. Previously, altering a filter value and closing it would sometimes result in incorrect or unsaved values. Now, you can set and modify price filters accurately, ensuring that the values are retained and displayed correctly.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Guided Selling 2.0 - Error Message Update Issue Resolved

We have fixed the issue in Guided Selling 2.0 where the error message text box in the Recommendation Step was not updating the database, resulting in the error message not being displayed to users. Now, user-defined error messages are correctly saved and shown whenever an exception occurs in the experience.



Enterprise Dashboard, Find:

Fix for Saving and Retrieving Find Rules

We have resolved the issue where saved browse boosting rules were not retrievable. The problem was due to the search function only working on the current page and dates being sorted as strings.

The improvements include:

  • Multi-page filtering for search terms.

  • Corrected sorting for start and end dates.




Fix for Duplicate Removal Filter in Configurable Strategies

We have resolved the issue with the Duplicate removal filter for category recommendations in Configurable Strategies. When the category recs option is enabled, the Duplicate removal filter is no longer applied. This ensures category diversity is maintained at the appropriate level, matching the user-defined category hierarchy.



Find, Streaming Catalog:

Fix for Property Definitions Max Size Issue

We have resolved an issue where the property definitions in certain environments were exceeding the maximum allowed size, leading to errors during updates. This issue occurred due to a limit on the number of properties that could be created. The fix now allows for the successful updating of property definitions without exceeding the size limit.



Streaming Catalog:

Fix for Catalog Enrichment Subscription Deactivation Issue

We have resolved an issue in the Catalog Enrichment feature where users were unable to deactivate subscriptions using the provided payload. The fix now ensures that subscriptions can be successfully deactivated as required.



Streaming Recommend:

Fix for Streaming Recommend Strategy with Deleted Seed Products

We have resolved an issue where the Streaming Recommend feature recommended different strategies when a seed product was deleted. The solution ensures that when a seed product is deleted, the system correctly falls back on the PS catalog to maintain consistent strategy recommendations.



Streaming Catalog:

Fix for Enrichment Calculation Error During Data Ingestion

We have resolved an issue where users encountered an error message stating "Calculation 206 does not have a dataset that is currently for ingesting" when attempting to ingest data into a live dataset. The solution ensures that data ingestion can proceed without errors once the dataset status is confirmed as live, even after a purge operation.




Rule Property Name Issue

The issue with resolving rule property names has been fixed. After deploying search-service version j11-2.1.3, all rules are functioning correctly.



Find, Streaming Catalog:

Enrichment Attribute Handling in NCA

The issue where enrichment-related data was being stored in the catalog database despite the "storable" flag being set to false has been resolved. NCA now correctly checks the flag before storing data in the catalog database.



Streaming Catalog:

Prevent Deactivation of Calculations with Active Subscriptions

We have implemented a safeguard to prevent deactivation of a calculation if it has active subscriptions. Users will now receive a warning indicating that all subscriptions must be deactivated before the calculation can be deactivated.



Find, Streaming Catalog:

Resolved Engine Bottlenecks on DecorateEnrichment

We have fixed an issue where the enrichment decoration process during item ingestion caused memory usage surges. The process is now streamlined to wait for enriched property decoration to complete before proceeding.



Streaming Catalog:

Streaming Engine Stuck Processing Messages

We have resolved an issue where the streaming engine was getting stuck while processing messages due to repeated network timeouts and disconnections. The fix ensures stable and reliable message processing without interruptions.



Streaming Catalog:

Catalog Enrichment - Unable to Deactivate Subscription

The issue with deactivating subscriptions for Catalog Enrichment has been resolved. Previously, users were unable to deactivate subscriptions using the provided payload, resulting in an error message: "Application 'None' is not available for subscription."



Streaming Catalog:

Sporadic Ingestion into Archived Dataset in Enrichment

A bug causing sporadic ingestion into an archived dataset during enrichment processes has been resolved. The issue stemmed from the calculation cache retaining outdated dataset information. The cache now properly flushes upon calculation or dataset updates, ensuring accurate ingestion.



Streaming Catalog:

NCA Out of Memory Error Resolved

A bug that caused the NCA to stop with an out-of-memory error has been fixed. The issue was traced to excessive SQL queries being fired by the AttributeCache to the Postgres attributes table. After increasing the maximum heap size to 4G, the NCA is now able to process efficiently without running out of memory.


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