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Release Summary - Jun 01, 2023

The following key features and improvements, along with bug fixes, have been released in Algonomy products in the release version 23.13 during May 19-Jun 01, 2023.

Enterprise Dashboard

Images as Answers in Guided Selling Quiz

Merchandiser can now use images to represent the answers in Guided Selling quiz which makes the quiz visually appealing. The images can be set on the questions screen. If you want to display text along with the images, it can be displayed below the images. You can also choose to display just text, as you do currently.



Availability: Not yet generally available.
Jira: ENG-25996


Improvements in User Affinity Configuration

The following improvement have been made in the User Affinity Configuration:

  • Users will not be able to create a User Affinity Configuration with a blank space (without name) anymore.
  • Labels are now being shown in the ‘User Affinity’ tab correctly.
  • Product URL is now working in the ‘Recommendations’ tab as expected.
  • Selected user affinity is now correctly shown on the edit page of ‘Configurable Strategy’.
  • If another ordering option is selected, the affinity configuration does not get passed as a parameter anymore.
  • The View Results recsUsingStrategies request should pass the user affinity configuration as a parameter.
  • In Configurable Strategies, the Personalization Seed will now be updated when making a change.

Jira: ENG-25931

Other Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements and upgrades have been made in the release version 23.13 during May 19-Jun 01, 2023.

Jira #



General Availability




Convert language service to Jackson parsers instead of GSON

Language service is tightly couple to GSon, especially the synonyms part. This is because GSon is often used as a parameter in many methods. Instead of working with classes, JsonObject and constants are used to work with data and that makes the change difficult.

The issue has been fixed and APIs are now returning 200 response and synonyms are also working fine.




Enterprise Dashboard;

Guided Selling - DynEx template fixes

The following improvements have been made in the Guided Selling template in Dynamic Experiences.

·         Set the display text before defining the option values when configuring question and answers in Guided Selling so that the input flow is more logical.

·         Each screen of the Guided Selling template now shows ‘Display Text’ before the corresponding Option input field.

·         Placement configured in the template is used as default now, and then fallback to the value set in the javascript.

"placementName": "<%=placement_name %>",

·         When using "body" as the target for the recs, show the recs in a popup over the page rather than at the end of it. If any other selector element is used, it does not display a popup.

Not yet generally available




Visual AI:  Store and enable an API to retrieve image coordinates for bounding boxes

Developed store image coordinates for bounding boxes to be used for overlaying the images with rectangles for clicking on products.

Provided an API to retrieve the coordinates in the front-end for displaying the boxes around products for the shopper’s to click

Not yet generally available


Streaming Catalog:

Create live dataset from Enrichment View

In Batch Find, the batch job relies on the Enrichment View service to get the appropriate WOC datasets to reconcile with Feed Catalog prior to indexing. The Enrichment View has been extended to provide a way to paginate through the live dataset for a calculation with the resolved values applied, and also giving visibility to the point-fix values. This will enable batch find job to manage the catalog reconciliation with no other dependencies.



Streaming Catalog:

Facilitate Vendor services for new vendors

Previously, the Enrichment service v1.0 only supported the ability to accept enrichment data streams from internal vendor i.e., Algonomy. Now the Enrichment Service has been extended to support streaming enrichment data streams from external sources. With this improvement, the Enrichment Service now supports the configurable ability to create, update, activate and deactivate vendors beyond the default Algonomy vendor. The vendor service will provide the applicable metadata associated with each vendor, specifying the vendor ID in the enrichment ingest and ensure that data ingested is being reconciled against all the subscribed sites.




Streaming Catalog:

Enhanced Compatibility for queryTag in Streaming Catalog

We have introduced the queryTag streaming catalog compatibility feature, aimed at enhancing query understanding and catalog schema. This update includes the implementation of a query understanding enabled checkbox in the portal, taggable FieldFeature in findAttributeSettings, and the utilization of catalog taggable fields. Validation has been implemented to ensure proper configuration.





Enhanced Privacy with 3rd Party Cookie Switch in rrserver Response

We have introduced the "Feature Switch for 3rd Party Cookie Handling in rrserver Response," addressing the issue of 3rd party cookies being sent in click beacon calls to rrserver. With this feature, rrserver can now be configured to eliminate the usage of 3rd party cookies in the response. This addition provides enhanced privacy and improved shopper tracking efficiency. The ability to switch this feature ON/OFF at the site level ensures control and flexibility during the roll-out process.




Data Engineering, Enterprise Dashboard:

Currency Support in RecType Sales Reports

We have introduced currency support in RecType Sales Reports, resolving the issue where sales graphs did not consider currency variations. Users can now select the desired currency from a dropdown menu in the page tab for more accurate reporting. This update ensures that impacted reports across engagement, page, sales metrics, and value categories consider currency, providing reliable insights. The API request has been updated to include the currency parameter, resulting in correct values displayed in the reports.





Return score in Personalize API

We have introduced the "Return Score in Personalize API" feature, providing personalization managers with valuable insights into content scores. This update empowers managers to reorder monetized content while ensuring personalization and relevance. By including scores in the API response, strategic blending of personalization and monetization is made possible.


Bug and Support Fixes

The following issues have been fixed in the release version 23.13 during May 19-Jun 01, 2023.




General Availability


Streaming Catalog:

Enrichment View bootstrap issue

During Enrichment View bootstrap, some components like Subscription server and Calculation server were not starting up because of Guice injection with vendor, new site config cache. This issue has been fixed now. All enrichment components are now starting up properly.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Unable to create Configurable strategy

A Blank page was shown when a user was trying to create a new Configurable strategy under Recommendations. This issue has been fixed now.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Editing the default User Affinity Configuration creates a new default configuration

When editing the default User Affinity Configuration, a new default configuration was getting created. The issue has been fixed now.



Enterprise Dashboard:

Font size is too big for the error messages in reporting

The font size was too big for the error messages in reporting. The issue has been fixed now.




Enterprise Dashboard:

Search Test Drive - Attribute boost rule is not parsed correctly

Previously, the attribute boost rule was not displayed correctly, showing the attribute as a combination of the attribute ID and boost value. However, we have now fixed the parsing issue, ensuring that the rule is accurately presented, displaying the attribute name instead of the ID.





Dynamic Experience start and end times are not accurately reflected in the runtime

Previously, there were inaccuracies in the reflection of Dynamic Experience start and end times in the runtime. This was due to the cache generation code adjusting timestamps based on the GMT offset separately from setting the correct timezone for the start and end times. However, this issue has been rectified, ensuring accurate reflection of the scheduled start time.




PCS models take longer running time on transactions

The longer running ‘idle-in-transaction’ connections on the database are regularly from the PCS model build. It was found that most of the time was spent during Solr model updates that do not need an open DB transaction. This issue has been fixed now.




Content Model has become slow after the catalog reader changes

The recent CatalogReader performance changes helped full-sized catalog models and other catalog scans but had resulted in significantly slowing down the simple scans for content models. The issue has been fixed now.


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