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18.16 Release Notes (5/3/18 Release)




Recommendation Restrictions by Ratings & Reviews 
Summary: Added the ability in merchandising rules (both Do Not Recommend and Only Recommend rules) to restrict products by rating & review. 

18.16 RN Ratings and Reviews.JPG


Add region filter to Search Boosting Rules 
Summary: A user is now able to select the region(s) that a rule should be applied in (including "all regions" as an option). The option only shows for sites that have regions set up. 


18.16 RN Boosting Regions.JPG

Find Boosting & Linking & Search Terms - search box functionality 
Summary: Users can now use the search box to find rules across pagination instead of just on the page itself 


Issue: Recommend blacklisted attributes do not make it to the Find index. 
Fix: Ignore Recommend blacklist for attributes when creating the Find index. 



Replenishment In Purchased Products (and in Category) Strategies 
Summary: New replenishment strategies using category and previously purchased products as filters. ReplenishmentInPurchasedProducts strategy will recommend only products that the visitor has purchased before (rather than products related to the ones the visitor had purchased before). ReplenishmentInCategoryAndPurchasedProducts startegy will do the same as the first but inside a certain category.  

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