17.07 Release Notes
New/revised features
- Search Attribute Boost & Bury APIs: Added functionality to include out of stock items at the end of the search results for a given search. In order to do this, three fields were added to the JSON configuration: searchAttributeBoosts (list of strings), searchAttributeFilters (list of strings), synonymWeight (double). These fields will be passed to the search service through the ebparams with those names for the param names.
- Enable Customer Billing By Method-Session-User. RR needs a way to bill customers for Find. It is decided that we will create 3-second buckets by the method-session-user API. Each bucket would summarize API calls into either 0 or 1 billing events. 0 billing events are recorded if the method-session-user was not called, 1 billing event is recorded if any number of the method-session-user were called. In Find, there are two billable methods: search and autocomplete. Because search has personalization now, it is ready for this scheme. At the moment, autocomplete is not personalized, so we do not yet track user-session. This ticket adds user and session to the autocomplete API. A side effect of this change also enables autocomplete personalization.
- Making Find Mobile SDK available. Find Mobile SDK will be available in this release. There is also a demo available with the SDK.
New/revised features
MVT now supports the ability to create a test within a specific region. This feature includes work by Dashboard, Data Engineering and Science Development.
If your site is region-enabled, you will see the following when you first enter the test creation UI:
- You may choose one specific region for your test. If you do so, traffic that comes from other regions will not be affected by the MVT.
- The regions in the UI are selected by the external region id (the identifier used by the client).
- Note that a test that runs across all regions can only use the traffic available from the region with the least available traffic. For example, if region R002 is running an MVT on 40% of traffic, and no other region is running an MVT, you will only be able to set up a cross-region test for at most 60% of traffic. This ensures that the balance of traffic going into the test is identical in every region.
- When viewing the report for a region-specific test, you will only see the traffic and results from that region (traffic from other regions was unaffected by the test).
- When viewing the report for a default, cross-region test, you will not see any changes.