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Product Region Feed


The Product Region Feed is used to provide Algonomy with regional availability and pricing information for your product catalog. It can also provide localized naming for products and categories.

The Product Region Feed is included in the compressed Catalog Feed file and uploaded daily with it.

Feed Files

Feed File Details Filename pattern
Region Full Feed A description of the regions used in the implementation, with currency and language information for each region needed. required region_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt
Product Region Feed A feed file containing regional availability and pricing information. required product_region_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt
Localized Product Feed Localized product data. localized_product_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt
Localized Category Feed Localized category data. localized_category_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt

Note: File can be compressed as .zip or .gz

Sample File

For an example showing a full file with support for multiple regions, download and open

Region Full Feed

Edit section

Filename: region_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt required

Name Type Required? Definition
region_id ALPHANUMERIC Yes ID for the region. Max length: 100 characters. This ID is case-sensitive.
title text Yes Name of region. Max length: 100 characters
description text No Description of region. Max length: 500 characters
currency_code text No

Currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Max length: 3 characters

language_tag text See Definition

Not required when the localized product/category feed are NOT used, OR if instrumented requests for recommendations pass the language_tag on the request. If language_tag is not defined in the region feed, it is not possible to map from region_id to language_tag to use localized values from the localized product/category feeds.

Locale description consisting of country and language. Examples: en-US, sv-SE, de-DE, etc. This is used for formatting the price as a string with correct punctuation (commas, spaces, periods). This field is limited to eight characters.

IMPORTANT: When using this country-language combination, the resulting value should consist of ISO language and country codes separated with a hyphen. Example: en-US, en-GB, en-CA

price_multiplier integer Yes

Number of smaller units of the base currency. Example: one dollar has a 100 cents, so the value for USD will be 100. The Yen is the smallest unit in Japan, so the value for JPY will be 1.

Note: Always specify the correct multiplier for a currency. This value will be use to compute pricing information for merchandising rules. 
price_prefix text No Text that should go in front of the price for the given currency. Example: "$" (Max length: 16 characters)
price_suffix text No Text that should go after the price for this currency. Example: "CAD" (Max length: 16 characters)

Tip: After the first upload of this file, you can confirm that this region information has been successfully added by opening a new Browse Boosting rule creation screen, choosing Region as the context, and clicking on the dropdown list of eligible regions. If the feed has run correctly, you should see all of the regions you just added, displayed by title.


us|US English|American English|en-US|$|100|USD|

Product Region Feed

Edit section

Filename: product_region_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt required

Name Type Required? Definition
product_id ALPHANUMERIC Yes Max length: 100 characters
region_id ALPHANUMERIC Yes Must be consistent with ID used in site integration to identify region.
price NUMBER No Price of the product, for the specified region.
sale_price NUMBER No Sale price of the product, for the specified region.
price_description text No Explanatory text that could be passed through to the layout, if needed. Example: "Closeout sale"
in_stock BOOLEAN depends
Required only if quantity not present
Only one of in_stock or quantity is required. If in_stock is provided, then quantity will be disregarded.
If in_stock is false, the item will not be recommended. The product will only be recommended if recommendable is set to true in the product full feed file and in_stock is set to true here in the Product Region Feed. If recommendable is set to false in the Product Full Feed, that product will not be recommended no matter what in_stock is set to here.
quantity integer depends
Required only if in_stock not present
The quantity of items in stock in the region. Personalization Cloud only uses the quantity value in the incoming feed to see if a product is in stock for that region, where “in stock” equals ”quantity > 0." If above zero, the product can be recommended, otherwise it will not be recommended.



Currency and Localization Information for Regions

To support localized strategy hints and view different currencies in site analytics and sales reporting, details need to be provided through separate feed files:

  • region_full.txt
  • localized_product.txt
  • localized_category.txt

Note that region_full.txt is always required.

Localized Product Feed

Edit section

Filename: localized_product_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt

Name Type Required? Definition
product_id ALPHANUMERIC Yes Product ID. This should correspond to a product_id in the Product Region Feed.
language_tag text Yes

Locale description consisting of country and language. Must match a language_tag in the Region Full Feed. This is used for formatting the price as a string with correct punctuation (commas, spaces, periods).

Important: This value must be a valid ISO language code. Example: en-US, en-GB, en-CA.
name text Yes Localized name of product
description text No Localized description of product
image_url text No Localized version of the product image, if any.
link_url text No Localized version of the product information page, if any.


105|es-ES|Nikon D610|Cámara réflex digital de 24.3 Mp

Localized Category Feed

Edit section

Filename: localized_category_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt

Name Type Required? Definition
category_id ALPHANUMERIC Yes Category ID.
language_tag text Yes

Locale description consisting of country and language. Must match a language_tag in the Region Full Feed. This is used for formatting the price as a string with correct punctuation (commas, spaces, periods).

Important: This value must be a valid ISO language code. Example: en-US, en-GB, en-CA.
name text No Localized category name.


10|es-ES|Cámaras digitales
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