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Engage Content Feed

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This document should be used in tandem with the Product Feed document

The Content Feed is how you supply Algonomy with content for use with Engage. It consists of three separate files, included inside the standard compressed Catalog Feed that you send at least once a day. This data does not need to be sent every day: it is only needed if and when there are changes to the content.

This feed can be sent in two ways: on its own, or zipped into the product feed. 

Feed Files

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Feed File Details Filename pattern
Content Feed A list and description of every piece of content being managed by Algonomy on your site.  content_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt
Content Attribute Feed The attributes for each piece of content. A piece of content must have at least one attribute assigned to it or else it will not be displayed. content_attribute_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt

Note: These files can be included in the Flat File Catalog Feed when it is zipped for transfer to Algonomy, or sent on their own. Please decide which method is better for your needs with your Algonomy representative.

File Specifications

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See below for the specifications for each file. 

The delimiter in the file must be a pipe (|) unless another delimiter is required. If, for some reason, you are not able to use a pipe as delimiter, alert your Algonomy representative who will work with you to accommodate your specific needs.

Content Feed

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Filename: content_full_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt required

Note: Content cannot have the same IDs as products. Products and content must have unique IDs.

Name Type Required? Definition
id ASCII Yes

A unique identifier for this piece of content. The IDs for each piece of content must remain consistent across time, i.e. this cannot be randomized.

NOTE: Forward slashes (/) are not supported in the ContentID field.

name text Yes The name of the content as it will be displayed in recommendations on site and in the Personalization Cloud Dashboard. The maximum length for this name is 255 characters.
start_date date No When this content is available for display. If not specified, it will be available for display at any time. The format for this date is YYYY-MM-DD.
end_date date No When this content is set to expire; at which point should we not display it any longer. If not specified, it will be available for display indefinitely. The format for this date is YYYY-MM-DD.
rating integer No The rating for this content (specified by client). Usually this is generated by collecting the average of customer ratings. This is not often used.
tags text No A list of tags that describe the piece of content (e.g. baby.stroller.graco). The default list delimiter is the period.

Note: The maximum length for a single tag is 100 characters. If you provide more than 100 characters for one tag, the tag name will be truncated to its first 100 characters. This does not impact the total number of tags. There is no theoretical technical limit to the number of tags, but we recommend no more than twenty tags per content for manageability reasons.
Recommendable Boolean No A flag for Engage content.

Default value is true.


- Regular Content: 

100|Hero Shirts Sale Banner|2017-06-07|2017-07-07|5|
200|Footer Handbag Winter Sale Banner|2017-11-01|2018-02-28||

Content Attribute Feed

Filename: content_attribute_sitename_YYYY_MM_DD.txt required

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Attribute values can be listed in a column-based format or a row-based format. However, the file must adhere to one or the other; you cannot mix and match within the same file. The system automatically determines the format from the header.

The list must use a delimiter that does not exist in attribute values and should not be a list delimiter used elsewhere in the file. Values that have a period are treated as lists (this is the default behavior). The period delimits each value in the list. However, the list value delimiter may be customized when creating the feed profile.

Content attributes is where you will specify the variables needed to render a content.  Things like image URLs and landing page URLs have to be passed in as attributes.

We expect each piece of content to have a minimum of one attribute. Because content is not shown unless whitelisted, this minimum attribute will be used to create the rule necessary to whitelist this content for display. In fact, if a piece of content doesn't have any associated attributes, it will not be stored in our system.

Column-based format

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Name Type Required? Definition
content_id ASCII Yes

Identifier for the content as defined in the content file

NOTE: Forward slashes (/) are not supported in the ContentID field.

attribute.[attribute key 1] text Yes First unique attribute key
attribute.[attribute key 2] text Yes Second distinct attribute key
attribute.[attribute key N] text Yes Nth distinct attribute

Basic example of the content attribute feed, in column-based format:

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Specifying multiple attributes (the list value delimiter defaults to the period but may be changed when creating the feed profile):


Row-based format

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Name Type Required? Definition
content_id ASCII Yes

Identifier for the content as defined in the content file

NOTE: Forward slashes (/) are not supported in the ContentID field.

attr_name text Yes Unique attribute key
attr_value text Yes Name of the attribute
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Basic example of the content attribute feed, in row-based format:


Specifying multiple attributes in separate rows:

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