iOS: Cart Page
The Cart screen typically displays the items in a shopper’s cart or bag. It is a distinct experience separate from Add To Cart, which may be a modal window or an interstitial popover.
Place this code in your native view initialization logic, such as viewDidLoad.
Return Personalization
Use this code when you are requesting and serving personalized product recommendations.
Replace the following placeholders in the code:
<placement name>
with your Placement name. You can find a list of placements in your Dashboard.<product ID 1>, <product ID 2>, <product ID 3>
with Product IDs currently in the cart.
You do not need to pass Product IDs if the cart is empty. Add IDs for all the products in the cart.
You only need to specify one ID per product. For example, if 3 quantities of Product ID P12389 are present in the cart, you only need to pass "P12389" once.
#import <RichRelevanceSDK/RichRelevanceSDK.h> RCHRequestPlacement *placement = [[RCHRequestPlacement alloc] initWithPageType:RCHPlacementPageTypeCart name:@"<placement name>"]; NSArray *products = @[@"<product ID 1>", @"<product ID 2>", @"<product ID 3>"]; RCHPlacementRecsBuilder *builder = [RCHSDK builderForRecsWithPlacement:placement]; [builder setProductIDs:products]; __block RCHRecommendedProduct *product; [[RCHSDK defaultClient] sendRequest:[builder build] success:^(id responseObject) { RCHPlacementsResult *result = responseObject; RCHPlacement *placement = result.placements[0]; product = placement.recommendedProducts[0]; } failure:^(id responseObject, NSError *error){ // Use this code block to handle any errors that may occur while loading recommendations. NSLog(@"Error encountered: %@", error); }];
Calling multiple placements
If you want to call multiple placements, simply initialize a builder with a nil
placement, then define your placements and pass them to builder:addPlacement
. You can also create a list such as a NSArray and iterate with a
IMPORTANT Placements must always be of the same type per request.
NSArray *placements = @[ [[RCHRequestPlacement alloc] initWithPageType:RCHPlacementPageTypeCart name:@"recs_top"], [[RCHRequestPlacement alloc] initWithPageType:RCHPlacementPageTypeCart name:@"recs_middle"] ]; RCHPlacementRecsBuilder *builder = [RCHSDK builderForRecsWithPlacement:nil]; for (RCHRequestPlacement *placement in placements) { [builder addPlacement:placement]; } [[RCHSDK defaultClient] sendRequest:builder success:^(id responseObject) { // Add your display logic here } failure:^(id responseObject, NSError *error) { // Add your error handling logic here }];
Listening Mode
When you do not render personalization in your Cart UX, you must still send a tracking request using the SDK. This is required so that Personalization Cloud can gather usage data in order to train your personalization models. In this specific case, you will create a listening placement. Listening placements are a special type of placement that can only log usage data without returning personalization data.
Replace <product ID 1>, <product ID 2>, <product ID 3>
with Product IDs currently in the cart.
You do not need to pass Product IDs if the cart is empty. Add IDs for all the products in the cart.
You only need to specify one ID per product. For example, if 3 quantities of Product ID P12389 are present in the cart, you only need to pass "P12389" once.
#import <RichRelevanceSDK/RichRelevanceSDK.h> NSArray *products = @[@"<product ID 1>", @"<product ID 2>", @"<product ID 3>"]; RCHRequestPlacement *placement = [[RCHRequestPlacement alloc] initWithListeningPageType:RCHPlacementPageTypeCart]; RCHPlacementRecsBuilder *builder = [RCHSDK builderForRecsWithPlacement:placement]; [builder setProductIDs:products]; [[RCHSDK defaultClient] sendRequest:[builder build]];
User and Session IDs
Personalization Cloud leverages user and session identifiers to provide product and content personalization. You must always provide a Session IDfor the current user. A Session ID can have any format and duration. For example, you can refresh a Session ID by app load, or after 1 hour of idling, depending on how you define sessions.
You must provide a User ID when a user logs into your app (or when you can identify a returning user with a consistent, unique identifier). Personalization Cloud relies on User IDs to drive personalization and to build personalized user models based on behavioral data. User ID must be unique and consistent for each user, in other words, they must not change upon subsequent sessions and logins.
Tracking Events
The SDK will automatically log a page view event when executing the builder. It will also automatically log a placement impression for each of the placements returned. For example, if you request three placements but only one is returned, the SDK will log a placement impression for this returned placement only.
You can include this logic in the delegate for touch event in your UIViewController
for your personalization view.
The following example assumes you are implementing a vertical scroller via a UITableViewController
with tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath
being our delegate for tap events.
@implementation SamplePersonalizationViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Add your usual initialization logic, for example registerNib. The actual implementation will depend on your code. [self.tableView registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:NSStringFromClass([SampleProductCell class]) bundle:nil] forCellReuseIdentifier:[SampleProductCell cellID]]; // Store an array of personalized product recommendations. You will reference items of this array from your delegate method. self.products = @[]; [self loadData]; } #pragma mark - TableView - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // Reference the current product being selected RCHRecommendedProduct *product = self.products[indexPath.row]; // Log a click event [product trackClick]; // Initialize your Product Detail view controller. The actual implementation will depend on your code. SampleProductDetailScreenViewController *detailVC = [[SampleProductDetailScreenViewController alloc] initWithProduct:product]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:detailVC animated:YES]; } @end
Offline click tracking
In case of poor network connectivity,[product trackClick]
will store click data locally and will send these events at a later stage, for example when there is enough bandwidth or when the network becomes available again.