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General Data Protection Regulation


The General Data Protection Regulation is designed for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and specifically the user's right to be forgotten.

For more information, see:

Privacy Touch Points: Each individual request to Ensemble AI can be anonymized by enabling private mode on the request.

For Client-side JavaScript Integrations: Pass the following parameter as part of r3_common variables. R3_COMMON.privateMode=true

For Server-side Ensemble AI API Calls: Add a query string parameter: privm=t
When private mode is set to true, do not pass the user id and do not set the rcs cookie. However, session id should be passed.

window.R3_COMMON = {
apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxx",
apiClientKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
baseUrl: "",
sessionId: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
userId: "",
placements: "item_page"
compositeOutfitPlacementSelector: '.product-page-v2-modules',
rcs: "ez-xxxx-xxxxx"
privateMode: "" // set to true in case of opt-out
window.R3_ITEM = { id: "xxxxxxxx" }; //It is the item id of the product which is being rendered on web page
// Now load client js from RR CDN to play dynamic placement for social proofing
let firstHead = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0);
let clientScript = document.createElement("script");
clientScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");


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